Can my customers make monthly payment to me?
Yes. You can use our Recurring Features.
Can I create an invoice using senangPay?
Yes! Read more about this feature here.
Can I integrate Discount Code to my payment form?
Yes. This feature only available to Advance and Special package only.
My products don’t have a fixed price, what are my options?
You can use our Universal Payment Form. Note that you may only receive FPX payment using this form.
I sell more than 10 products, what are my options?
You can use multiple Collection Form or it may be the time to start your e-commerce website.
I sell more than one (1) products, what are my options?
You can create multiple payment form for each product. You can then combine up to 10 products in one Collection Form.
How do I create a payment form for my product?
Read more here.
What is a payment form?
A Payment Form allows you as the business owner to add specific products and lets you monitor each product transaction separately. This form allows you to set a fixed price for each of your products.
How do I use senangPay?
You can use our payment form to receive payment.
Can I use senangPay if I don’t have a website?
Yes. You may use our payment form feature. Learn more here.