How do I log in to my senangPay account?

To log in, visit our website and click the login button in the menu on our website, or click here. Enter your registered email and password to access your account.

Are special rates offered to non-profit organisations?

Non-profit organizations can access our payment solutions at standard rates. If you’d like to explore specific rates or discuss details further, please submit your inquiry here and one of our representatives will get in touch with you.

How can I view and pay my charges?

To view your charges, go to the Charges > List section on your senangPay dashboard. To make a payment, click the Action button and follow the instructions provided to proceed with the payment. Alternatively, you can email us at [email protected] for further assistance.

Are there any additional charges?

Certain charges may apply for add-on services, advanced features or customisations. For more information, our customer support team is available 24/7. Please call 03-2771 2707 or contact [email protected] for further assistance.

What are the subscription packages?

We offer two standard subscription packages—Starter and Advance, as well as a custom Enterprise package tailored to different business needs and requirements. For more details, please refer to our pricing page.

What are the charges or fees?

Depending on your subscription package, an annual subscription fee may apply, along with transaction rates based on the payment methods you choose. If you choose our custom Enterprise package, you can enjoy the lowest customised transaction rates. For more details, please refer to our pricing page.