Enquiry form for senangPay x Seedflex's Pay-As-You-Sell Advance™

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Merchant’s Acknowledgement for Pay-As-You-Sell Advance Services
This letter serves as your formal consent form to participate in the Pay-As-You-Sell Advance Beta program being conducted by Seedflex. Read the section below to acknowledge and review the details of the services:

1. Seedflex Terms of Use
You may refer to the Seedflex Terms and Conditions in details
I/We acknowledge that I/we have read, understood, and agree to all the terms and conditions set forth by SeedFlex.

2. senangPay Sharing Details with Seedflex
I/We consent to senangPay sharing my/our company details, including director names, SSM details, IC/director information, phone numbers and senangPay transaction records with SeedFlex as the advance provider.